Saturday, December 17, 2005

Memory from my last Pediatric clinical

Generally when I work with the eldery population, patients think I am somewhere between the ages of 12 and 14, and think I am too young to be working (even though I am 21 and married). I set a new record for myself though at my very last pediatric clinical a few weeks ago. One of my patients was two years old, and her father had brought in some toys for her. When I entered the room she immediately began to show me her new toys. I played with the toys with her for a few minutes before beginning the assessment. As I was listening to her heart, she reached one of her new toys out to me and said "Here, you can have this little girl." Her mother replied laughing, "oh, she's not a little girl, she's a grown up."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ouch dear!

Well I say you probably look so young because you're happy. : )

Best holiday wishes.
