Monday, November 29, 2010


E-Meal-Easy Meals for Busy and Frugal Families

Over the past 5 1/2 years of married life, my husband and I have made many attempts at meal planning. Each attempt became too tedious and time consuming to maintain with our busy dual career life styles. This  inevitably resulted in frequent trips to our favorite restaurants multiple times a week.  The other recurring problem was in seeking to add variety to our meals, we tried new recipes, many of which ended in disaster (one especially memorable was- Ratatouille-as inspired by the Pixar movie-but exponentially less visually appealing as the animated version and tasted as though it must have been stolen from the rats trash cans which had not been taken to the curb in a few weeks).

Two months ago, thanks to Dave Ramsey's radio show, we found E-Mealz!  Our minds and stomachs have been very happy.  We no longer have to spend hours trying to sort through recipes and grocery ads to find sales that will match the recipes!  Each and every meal that we have have with E-mealz so far has tasted wonderful!  Much better than most of the recipes we used to use!

(I was not paid by Dave Ramsey or E-Mealz for this review) These are my own opinions.

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