Book Review- Little Star
by Anthony DeStefano
illustrated by Mark Elliot
Waterbrook Press
copyright 2010
ISBN: 978-0-307-45805-6
Little Star is a Christmas Children’s story. It is the telling of an interaction between a Father and Son. The Father tells his son the story of the star that shown brightly the night of Jesus’s birth and the stars fate. The story includes a moral lesson of how to treat people kindly, this could be elaborated in discussion outside of the book. The book also includes the important message of Jesus and an explanation for the circumstances surrounding his birth. “Jesus wanted to be born little to show all the people of the world that he loved them, no matter how small or poor they were”. Many aspects of the story line flowed nicely. There were a few abrupt transitions that could have been made more smooth by adding a sentence or two more of description or explanation.
The illustrations in the book were well done. Some are very cute while others are beautiful The colors are very calming.
Overall, this book was a fun read. A good read aloud story for children, with several opportunities for further discussion.
"I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review"