Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Book Review-Little Star

Book Review- Little Star 
by Anthony DeStefano
 illustrated by Mark Elliot
Waterbrook Press
copyright 2010
ISBN: 978-0-307-45805-6
Little Star is a Christmas Children’s story. It is the telling of an interaction between a Father and Son. The Father tells his son the story of the star that shown brightly the night of Jesus’s birth and the stars fate.  The story includes a moral lesson of how to treat people kindly, this could be elaborated in discussion outside of the book. The book also includes the important message of Jesus and an explanation for the circumstances surrounding his birth. “Jesus wanted to be born little to show all the people of the world that he loved them, no matter how small or poor they were”. Many aspects of the story line flowed nicely. There were a few abrupt transitions that could have been made more smooth by adding a sentence or two more of description or explanation.
The illustrations in the book were well done.  Some are very cute while others are beautiful  The colors are very calming.  
Overall, this book was a fun read.  A good read aloud story for children, with several opportunities for further discussion.
"I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review" 

Monday, November 29, 2010


E-Meal-Easy Meals for Busy and Frugal Families

Over the past 5 1/2 years of married life, my husband and I have made many attempts at meal planning. Each attempt became too tedious and time consuming to maintain with our busy dual career life styles. This  inevitably resulted in frequent trips to our favorite restaurants multiple times a week.  The other recurring problem was in seeking to add variety to our meals, we tried new recipes, many of which ended in disaster (one especially memorable was- Ratatouille-as inspired by the Pixar movie-but exponentially less visually appealing as the animated version and tasted as though it must have been stolen from the rats trash cans which had not been taken to the curb in a few weeks).

Two months ago, thanks to Dave Ramsey's radio show, we found E-Mealz!  Our minds and stomachs have been very happy.  We no longer have to spend hours trying to sort through recipes and grocery ads to find sales that will match the recipes!  Each and every meal that we have have with E-mealz so far has tasted wonderful!  Much better than most of the recipes we used to use!

(I was not paid by Dave Ramsey or E-Mealz for this review) These are my own opinions.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Swag Bucks Rewards

I am very excited to have redeemed swag bucks points for my first rewards.  I used 900 points to get two $5.00 gift cards to  I used the cards to get 7 cloth wipes for my LO. The grand total with free shipping was 15 cents!!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

New Beginnings

As I embark upon the motherhood journey, I hope to share about my experiences from planning for birth and parenting, cloth diapers, balancing family with work, church, MOPS, and hobbies (such as reading and crafts).

I am about to finish my first cross stitch project ever. The cross stitching is actually finished, I am just waiting for my husband to get home, as he stopped at the craft store to pick out the frame that he wants for the project. He plans to display it on his desk in his classroom.
I found that cross stitching is overall very relaxing. The most frustrating part is when the threads like to wind and twist in odd ways after having separated the large strands into smaller strands. I do wonder why if companies plan that you only need to use 2 or 3 strands at a time, why don't they produce the thread in this manner instead of having the consumer fight with easily tangled thread strands. I am looking forward to the next cross stitch project though!