Monday, February 20, 2012

Book Review: God Gave Us Love

This is an adorable book!  I had a great time reading it to my 15 month old daughter. She has already wanted to read it over and over. I appreciate the great lesson about God loving us and that is why we love others. The book also dabbled a little bit in the different types of love. My daughter may not understand now, but as she gets older and we continue to read this book, I'm sure it will create many conversations about love. The pictures are also well done and very cute. Although very cute, I would have liked the characters to be human. Putting that aside it is still a well done book. I will look forward to reading other books by this author,

Here is a link for more information about the book.

 “I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review”

Monday, February 06, 2012

Book Review: How We Love Our Kids

By Milan and Kay Yerkovich

When I received this book, I was expecting it to be a remake of the 5 love languages type books.  I was pleasantly surprised to be wrong! This book was a quality breakdown of the many aspects of attachment theory.  I enjoyed reading about each of the styles, and how they are played out in both parents and children.  The book was balanced with research and personal examples. Many tools are provided in simple format which make immediate implementation of the ideas very easy. My favorite tool is the soul words. When I showed the soul words to my husband, he even immediately implemented their use in his classroom! This is a well written, valuable book, that is in alignment with many other books and research.

I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.
